Posts Tagged ‘Larry Witzling’
MacArthur Square Planning
MacArthur Square Planning View the City of Milwaukee MacArthur Square Planning Study Today, MacArthur Square consists of a group of civic buildings in downtown Milwaukee arranged around a multilevel parking structure. Historically, MacArthur Square represents the City’s legacy of the City Beautiful movement in architecture and planning. GRAEF has worked closely with Milwaukee County and…
Read MoreLa Crosse 2040 Comprehensive Plan
La Crosse 2040 Comprehensive Plan View the La Crosse 2040 Comprehensive Plan Here La Crosse adopted its first Comprehensive Plan, Confluence, in 2002, and like many communities during the early phase of comprehensive planning, designed the plan to closely reflect the requirements outlined by state statute. The result was a 500-page document robust with information…
Read MoreMilwaukee Climate and Equity Plan
Milwaukee Climate and Equity Plan Visit the Milwaukee Climate and Equity Plan Here GRAEF served as the prime consultant to the City of Milwaukee’s Environmental Collaboration Office (ECO) for the creation of the City’s first Climate & Equity Plan (CEP). The City led the initial phase of community engagement and data gathering but lacked the…
Read MoreWaukesha Central City Master Plan
Waukesha Central City Master Plan This innovative, award-winning plan addressed the combined future of Waukesha’s downtown along with three critical urban neighborhoods. It contains both a broad vision as well as detailed action plans History The plan builds on Waukesha’s rich tradition as a historic resort community with a charming and intricate downtown. Today, Waukesha…
Read MoreWaterfront Development & Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
Waterfront Development & Comprehensive Recreation Plan The City of Ashland, Wisconsin contracted with GRAEF to update their 2002 Waterfront Development Plan and their 2013 CORP. The City desired to update these plans to better serve the community and to help the city leaders and investors make informed decisions about future projects. GRAEF was asked to…
Read MoreTransform Milwaukee Strategic Action Plan
Transform Milwaukee Strategic Action Plan Created by the State of Wisconsin, Transform Milwaukee is a comprehensive, public-private initiative that leverages Milwaukee’s workforce, industrial strengths, and transportation assets to expand community investments, increase business development, boost job creation, and strengthen neighborhoods. The Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) contracted with a consultant team, led by…
Read MoreDrexel Town Square
Drexel Town Square Drexel Town Square is a new mixed-use town center located on the former 85-acre Delphi industrial site in Oak Creek, WI. The City of Oak Creek and WisPark developed the site for the City which was lacking a ‘downtown’ area. Drexel Town Square has civic, retail, office, open space, and residential uses.…
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