Drexel Town Square

Drexel Town Square

Drexel Town Square is a new mixed use town center located on the former 85-acre Delphi industrial site in Oak Creek, WI. The City of Oak Creek and WisPark are developing the site for the City which currently lacks a ‘downtown’ area. Drexel Town Square has civic, retail, office, open space, and residential uses.

GRAEF provided survey, site/civil engineering, transportation engineering and landscape architecture services. Staff prepared and helped win approval for the largest grant awarded as part of Wisconsin’s Blight Elimination and Brownfield Redevelopment (BEBR) program. This $1.1 million award is being used to clean up the site and prepare it for new development.

Our planners were instrumental in conceiving and preparing a proposal to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the planning and implementation of best-management-practices for stormwater infrastructure and sustainability measures for the Town Center.

Other Projects

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Aston Martin Residences

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Village of Germantown Trail Master Plan

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Village of Germantown Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

Village of Germantown Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan

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Oak Creek, WI


Project Data

85-Acre Site


GRAEF Services

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Landscape Architecture
Structural Engineering
Traffic Engineering

Drexel Town Square Contact

Vice President of Business Development

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