Camp Porter Barracks and Infrastructure

Camp Porter Barracks and Infrastructure This Design-Build project included the design of several new facilities, major infrastructure improvements and the demolition of 14 existing buildings. GRAEF was retained to provide complete structural and site/civil development design services as part of CBZG Design Builders, LLC. CBZG Design Builders, LLC is composed of Clark Construction Group, LLC, Blinderman…

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Bridges Over USH 41 and USH 45, Washington County

Bridges Over USH 41 and USH 45, Washington County Construction inspection was completed for 0.8 miles of STH 145 with five roundabouts, and the deck replacement and widening of two bridges over USH 41 and 45. Major items of work included grading, curb and gutter, concrete paving, storm sewer, lighting, marking and signing. Other Projects…

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Alachua County Correctional Facility HVAC and Roof Replacement

Alachua County Correctional Facility HVAC and Roof Replacement In the early 2000s, Alachua County conducted a Facilities Condition Inspection of the Alachua County Jail and noted several buildings and spaces in need of equipment upgrades, replacements, and renovations necessary to improve safety, security, and energy efficiency on the 300,000-square-foot campus. Through detailed collaboration between County…

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71st Street Streetscape Improvements

71st Street Streetscape Improvements The 71st Street Master Plan Study analyzed existing conditions of the corridor with the objective of providing a detailed master plan for its redevelopment. The master plan looked at the entire project corridor as it relates to adjacent neighborhoods and the overall context of South Chicago. Located within Chicago’s historic South…

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Mike Vogel

Market Area Leader – Cultural, Sports & Recreation, Education

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