Tomah Health Replacement Health and Wellness Campus
As the need for quality healthcare grew in the Tomah area, Tomah Health’s existing 1950s-era facility was not meeting the current needs. The building had limited growth options, so they ultimated decided to build a replacement hospital on a new greenfield site.
The new campus provides Tomah residents and visitors with a critical access hospital focusing on health and wellness. The campus is on a 40-acre site is easily accessible with visibility from the freeway, and provides opportunity for growth with affiliated health care providers.
Tomah Health is a community-based hospital, welcoming both patients and the community. From a glass-walled, two-story entry atrium to an OB suite complete with water birthing tubs, Tomah’s new campus unites patients with the latest in integrated health care. Providers offer one-on-one patient care as well as technological expertise and resources for everything from a small playground accident to orthopedic surgery.
Other Projects
Tomah, WI
Project Data
$66 Million Project Cost
130,000 Square Feet
3 Stories
GRAEF Services
Structural Engineering