The Planning & Urban Design Group is focused on advancing the sustainability and resilience of our communities. We aspire to collaboratively innovate with our partners and clients. Listening and engaging are paramount to our work. Equity and inclusion are central principles in our practice. We like to prepare detailed plans, guidelines, and concepts that enhance development, preserve or restore the environment, and add value to a community. We integrate new development and redevelopment with existing neighborhoods, districts, and corridors to create livable, walkable, active public places – places tailored to fit local social, economic, and cultural activities. We view planning and urban design as simultaneously building on community traditions and crafting new and sustainable pathways for communities to evolve.
As planners and urban designers, we recognize the importance of a good working relationship with public officials, business operators, and local citizens. Through meaningful dialogue with public agencies, community leaders, and residents, we aim to catalyze consensus-based planning that leads to action.
Our Work
Planning & Urban Design Contacts

Karen Sands, AICP