Recognizing exceptional ideas and innovations in engineering GRAEF Wins 2020 ACEC WI Engineering Excellence Award

The American Council of Engineering Companies, Wisconsin (ACEC WI) has awarded GRAEF 2020 Engineering Excellence Best of State for our work on Drexel Town Square in Oak Creek, WI. This award recognizes exceptional ideas and innovations in engineering.
Drexel Town Square is Oak Creek's newest retail, commercial, residential and civic development.
Awards judge Brandon Braithwaite said: “This project was transformative. Not only were they able to redevelop an existing brownfield site, they built a 21st century downtown! This project will shape the City of Oak Creek for many generations.”
ACEC WI also named the GRAEF designed Loop the Lake Boardwalk Bridges a 2020 Engineering Excellence State Finalist. Located in the City of Neenah and the City of Menasha, the bridges connect the cities and parks across the water.
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