Emerald Beach

Emerald Beach

GRAEF provided coastal engineering services to restore the highly eroded shoreline at Emerald Beach and a new inlet channel constructed to provide boat access for sport and commercial fishing. GRAEF acquired all Turks & Caicos Islands regulatory permits in 2004, prepared contract documents and drawings, and construction bidding and contractor selection. As the project’s Engineer-of Record, GRAEF was responsible for planning, economic analysis and financial planning studies, sand source investigations, design, preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment, permit acquisition and construction administration with annual performance monitoring and reporting. The first phase to construct a Beach Nourishment and Inlet Channel Dredging project was completed in concert with a comprehensive physical and biological monitoring plan. The total sand quantity for beach placement was 300,000 cubic yards.



Emerald Beach is a highly recreational use inlet channel with strong currents. Maximizing beach quality sand for this inlet channel (-14 ft) presented design and construction management challenges.


Key Project Elements:

  • Design and Permit a 350,000 cubic yard Beach Nourishment Project
  • Geotechnical Analysis of Sand Source and Inlet Channel Design
  • Installation of Direction Current (ADCP) and Tide Gauges, Vibracores, Hydrographic and Beach Surveys
  • Process and Acquire all Department of Coastal and Environmental and Planning Dept. Regulatory
  • Permits
  • Environmental Assessment (British Legal System)
  • Beach Performance Surveys, Monitoring and Mitigation Plans
  • Economic Analysis of Project Benefits and Costs for Project Financing
  • Construction Administration Services

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Turks and Caicos Islands



Coastal Engineering

Environmental Engineering


Emerald Beach Contact

Office Leader - Sarasota, Turks and Caicos

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