WisDOT US Highway 18 (Bluemound Road)
GRAEF was selected by WisDOT to conduct the planning effort for the US 18 resurfacing project. The team recommended corridor improvements after analyzing safety, operations, and geometric deficiencies along the existing roadway. Seven miles of US 18 will be resurfaced from Manhattan Drive in the City of Waukesha to 124th Street in the Village of Elm Grove. Bluemound Road will serve as a primary mitigation route during the Zoo Interchange reconstruction.
This project involved pavement rehabilitation by milling, base-patching, and asphaltic-concrete resurfacing. Turn lanes were added at the intersection of Bluemound Road with Barker Road. Safety improvements included minor geometric modifications at some intersections, median closures, consolidated driveways, potential frontage roads, storm sewer modifications and repair, and utility and traffic signal modifications.
The project team prepared an extensive Public Involvement Plan that included seven public information meetings, seven newsletters, 30 property owner meetings, and seven meetings with each municipality within the project area. The goal of the project was to manage construction while minimizing disruption to this busy corridor during the project.