West Walnut Street
GRAEF performed design services for the reconstruction of W. Walnut in the City of Milwaukee as part of WisDOT’s Local Road program. The fully developed 4-lane divided thoroughfare was surveyed to obtain detailed topographic features within the project limits. The proposed improvements included reducing the roadway to a 2-lane divided section with parking between N. 20th Street and N. 14th Street and maintaining a 4-lane divided roadway section between N. 14th Street and the eastern project limit.
GRAEF developed multiple bicycle and pedestrian enhancements as part of the project design to improve safety and accessibility. The new bike lanes on Walnut Street were designed as off-street one-way separated bike facilities which are expected to increase safety and comfort for bicyclists. The narrower vehicular roadway section is also anticipated to reduce motor vehicle speeds and reckless driving, leading to fewer fatal/ serious crashes. All pedestrian curb ramps were reconstructed to current ADA standards. Raised “tabletop” pedestrian crossings were designed at all non-signalized side roads, and bump outs were also incorporated into the design to deter motorists from using the parking lane as a through lane and to shorten the distance of pedestrian crossings to enhance overall safety in the project corridor.
The project team developed street lighting plans and coordinated with the City of Milwaukee traffic signal staff to replace the signals within the project corridor. Other improvements included the replacement of storm sewer laterals and inlets, pavement marking, and roadway signing.
Other Projects
Milwaukee, WI
GRAEF Services
Urban Roadway Design
Public Involvement
Traffic & Safety Analysis
Utility and Agency Coordination
Phase I Hazmat
Street Lighting
Storm Sewer
Traffic Control and Detour Plans
Environmental Document (CEC)
Traffic Management Plan (TMP)
Design Reports: DSR/PDR
Topographic Survey
ADA Curb Ramp Upgrades