West North Avenue
The City of Wauwatosa is reconstructing a segment of North Avenue as part of a three-party contract with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT). The project segment is approximately 0.9 miles, running from Mayfair Road (STH 100) to N 95th Street. The section from Mayfair Road (STH 100) to west of the Menomonee River Bridges will be reconstructed with new pavement, curb and gutter, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Because the Menomonee River Bridges will need to be replaced in the next ten years, the segment from the Menomonee River Bridges to N 95th Street will be reconditioned with pavement resurfacing, spot curb and gutter replacement and safety improvements to the intersection of W North Avenue with Menomonee River Parkway.
The traffic study included a safety assessment, existing and future traffic volumes, traffic operations analysis under various alternates, and recommendations. Spot safety improvements including lane reconfiguration, the removal of right turn islands, pedestrian crossing improvements and traffic signal upgrades will be included at the intersection of W North Avenue with the Menomonee River Parkway.
The team presented two alternatives for the portion of W North Avenue planned for reconstruction: one alternative included on-street bicycle lanes and a two-way multi-use trail on the north side of the roadway; the second alternative, identified as the preferred alternative through the environmental process, included one-way separated bicycle lanes on both sides of the roadway. The team evaluated multiple stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) including tree cells, traditional bioretention, modular bioretention, permeable pavement, engineered media additives, proprietary devices, catch basin, manhole baffle walls and wood chip bioreactors.
This project will also include utility replacement for storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, traffic signals and street lighting facilities, pavement marking and signing upgrades, bicycle lanes, pedestrian sidewalk and curb ramp upgrades, storm sewer improvements and green infrastructure.
Survey and a right-of way plat with approximately 100 parcels was completed for this project. Construction started in 2023.
Other Projects
Wauwatosa, WI
GRAEF Services
Storm Sewer Design
Preliminary and Final Roadway Design
Traffic and Safety Study
ADA Curb Ramp Upgrades
PS&E Packages
Retaining Wall Design
Lighting Design
Landscape Architecture