Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal 6
GRAEF was part of a design-build team for a new $25.6 million cruise terminal for the Canaveral Port Authority. Port Canaveral is the third busiest port in the United States. It services Norwegian Cruise Lines, Disney, Carnival Cruise Lines, and Royal Caribbean. The new state-of-the-art cruise terminal #6 enables the Port to accommodate more and larger cruise and cargo ships.
GRAEF provided fire protection design services for the Cruise Terminal #6 building, baggage x-ray building, and chiller complex. The new 90,000-square-foot terminal complex welcomed its first ship in August of 2012, exactly one year after the ground breaking ceremony.
GRAEF was required to follow Transportation Security Administration rules and regulations on this project including applying for a Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) for each employee. GRAEF also communicated with and coordinated designs with the Department of Homeland Security regarding the Customs and Border Patrol area of the facility.
Other Projects
Port Canaveral, FL
Project Data
$25.6 Million Project Cost
90,000 Square Feet
GRAEF Services
Fire Protection Engineering