Naples Beach Restoration and Water Quality Improvements

Naples Beach Restoration and Water Quality Improvements

The City of Naples faces significant flooding on Gulf Shore Boulevard during frequent rainfall events. Additionally, there are concerns from various stakeholders that the beach outfalls negatively affect beach erosion, access, sea turtle habitats, water quality, and aesthetics.

The project aims to:

  • Reduce flooding on Gulf Shore Boulevard and improve stormwater quality.
  • Minimize negative impacts on the beach and hardbottom resources.
  • Eliminate erosion caused by outfall-induced scour.
  • Enhance beach access by removing outfall pipes.
  • Maintain the existing Level of Service for stormwater management during:
    • 5-year/1-hour storm events (as per the City of Naples Comprehensive Plan)
    • 25-year/72-hour storm events (as per the South Florida Water Management District standards)
  • Improve community understanding of the project objectives and design.


The project is currently under construction.

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Naples, Florida



Coastal Engineering

Civil Engineering

Environmental Services

Construction Engineering & Inspection


Naples Beach Restoration Contact

Office Leader - Sarasota, Turks and Caicos