Mike Vogel

Mike Vogel PE, SE

Chief Strategy Officer I Market Area Leader - Cultural, Sports & Recreation, Education, Senior Structural Engineer

It's great when you have inspired teams and satisfied clients. That's one good thing about our profession - you get that immediate satisfaction. I get to come in and solve problems.

Fun Fact: I've been a season ticket holder for the Milwaukee Brewers for years, but I'm a die-hard, lifelong Chicago Cubs fan.

Mike Vogel PE is registered in FL, WI. Mike Vogel SE is registered in IL.

View Mike's Projects

Renaissance by Marriott_GRAEF

Renaissance by Marriott

Fiserv Forum_GRAEF

Milwaukee Bucks Fiserv Forum

MSOE Viets Field

MSOE Viets Field

MSOE Viets Tower

MSOE Viets Tower

MSOE Diercks Hall

MSOE Diercks Hall

Lambeau Field

Lambeau Field Renovations