Manasota Beach Park
GRAEF was commissioned by Sarasota County to provide civil and coastal engineering services for the design, engineering, permitting, and the preparation of construction documents for the repair and replacement of an existing boardwalk/dock, construction of additional boardwalk/fishing deck and existing parking lot improvements. The design included the addition of a stormwater treatment pond for general water quality improvements to stormwater runoff previously entering Lemon Bay directly. The design of new boardwalk and boardwalk replacement, as well as parking lot improvements, was compatible with Federal ADA Standards.
This project provided special permitting challenges due to its age as well as its location. The site is confined by bodies of water and a major local road, which constrict site access to one very narrow location. To avoid “after-the-fact” permitting through the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) for the boat ramp, boardwalk and dock, which were constructed in the 1970’s, GRAEF performed substantial historic permit research of Department of Environmental Regulation (now FDEP) and USACE files to determine pre-1980 permitting efforts associated with this facility. Additional permitting complications were realized due to the constricted site access. The existing entrance drive encroached within the 50-foot wetland buffer and was too narrow for compliance with County Codes for 2-way drives. Through wetland buffer enhancement and special signage, GRAEF was able to resolve both the encroachment and narrow drive issues.
Key Project Elements:
- Core Borings and Geotechnical Analysis
- Coastal Vegetation Conservation Plans
- Seagrass Study
- Sediment QA/QC Plan
- Channel Evaluation
- Site Re-configuration for ADA Accessibility
- Grading and Site Drainage Plans
- Boardwalk/Dock Replacement and Expansion
- Estimation of Quantities, Costs and Construction Schedules
- Environmental Resource Permitting
- Preparation of Construction Plans and Specifications
Other Projects
Englewood, FL
Coastal Engineering
Civil Engineering