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GRAEF offers a vast array of professional consulting services under one roof. Our engineers, designers, architects, and scientists are dedicated to providing innovative, cost-effective results.
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Memorial Union Recognized for Engineering Upgrades
ACEC Recognizes Upgrades on UW Madison Campus Memorial Union Recognized for Engineering Upgrades “We are proud to say we were able to complete the improvements to the Memorial Union without…
Read MoreWiscon Innovation District
Looking 20 years into the future Wiscon Innovation District What will the “Wiscon Innovation District” look like in 20 years? GRAEF Planners are developing a vision for how this transformational…
Read MoreGRAEF Awarded Best of State for Memorial Union Renovation and Alumni Park
GRAEF Awarded Best of State for Memorial Union Renovation and Alumni Park This year’s Engineering Excellence Awards highlights 13 projects in three different categories. Best of State Awards are presented to entries representing…
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