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GRAEF offers a vast array of professional consulting services under one roof. Our engineers, designers, architects, and scientists are dedicated to providing innovative, cost-effective results.
Read our featured news stories highlighting GRAEF's newsworthy projects, award recognition, events, and speaking engagements, employee updates, and firm announcements.
South Milwaukee Moves Forward with Downtown Streetscaping Plan
Common Council Approves Plan South Milwaukee Moves Forward with Downtown Streetscaping Plan The City of South Milwaukee is moving forward with a downtown streetscaping plan that was designed by GRAEF.…
Read MoreGRAEF Receives Merit Award for Design of Oak Creek’s Drexel Town Square
Project created a new 21st century downtown GRAEF Receives Merit Award for Design of Oak Creek’s Drexel Town Square The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects awarded…
Read MoreGRAEF President and CEO John Kissinger appointed to serve three-year term on the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County board
Area leaders to head up the organization’s 2019 community campaign GRAEF President and CEO John Kissinger appointed to serve three-year term on the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha…
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