Flamingo Ditch
GRAEF was commissioned by the City of Venice to provide civil and coastal engineering services for design, engineering, permitting and construction documents for new stormwater discharge pipelines at the existing Flamingo Ditch beach outfall. GRAEF conducted all planning, design, permitting and engineering services for the pump station, treatment systems, directional drilling, diffuser and anchoring system for a new pipeline that will re-route the existing beach stormwater discharge to a deep water location approximately 1,000 ft into the Gulf of Mexico. The project will alleviate the City’s flooding problems due to obstruction of the existing outfalls from sand build-up and periodic water quality violations along Venice beaches.
Key Project Elements:
- Stormwater ICPR Modeling
- Water Quality Testing and Reporting
- Core Borings and Geotechnical Analysis
- Wetland Resource Mappping and UMAM Mitigation
Assessment - Exotics/Coastal Vegetation Removal and
Replacement - Sediment QA/QC Plan and Turbidity Control Plan
- Grading and Site Drainage Plans
- Outfall Diffuser and Anchoring System
- Pump Station Design with UV Disinfection System
and Filtration System - Treatment System Overflow Design
- Schedule of Quantities and Costs with PM
Schedules - State Sovereign Submerged Lands Lease
Acquisition - Coastal Construction Control Line Permitting
- State and Federal Environmental Resource
Permitting - Directional Drill for Pipeline
- Construction Plans and Specifications
Other Projects
Venice, Florida
Coastal Engineering
Civil Engineering