East Capitol Drive Reconstruction
Interesting neighborhoods, intriguing people, wonderful architecture, eclectic shops and restaurants, exceptional schools, access to Lake Michigan—all are attributes of the Village of Shorewood. As one of only two primary arterials running through the one-mile square Village, the East Capitol Drive (STH 190) reconstruction represented a community’s desire to create a corridor that offered enhanced economic opportunities for the future.
This busy urban thoroughfare required that GRAEF collaborate with various stakeholders and utilities to minimize impacts along the corridor. Careful attention to safety, aesthetics, and stakeholder concerns was always in the forefront of the designers’ thinking. An active citizenry played a key role in shaping the ultimate design that included bicycle and pedestrian features, environmentally friendly design elements, and increased safety and mobility along the thoroughfare. A seven-inch rainfall and a project location riddled with utilities were capably dealt with and the project moved forward on schedule and budget. The reconstructed modern roadway captures the uniquely warm and eclectic character that epitomizes the Village of Shorewood and represents a community’s desire to create a corridor that will enhance economic opportunities now and into the future.
Landscape architects and traffic and roadway engineers redesigned the
streetscape, developed gateway and village branding elements, and designed adjacent pocket parks and plazas for 1.3 miles of roadway on East Capitol Drive. Another key element of the project was the redesign of a bridge carrying the Oak Leaf Trail over Capitol Drive. New streetscape amenities include accent paving, site furnishings, roadway and pedestrian lighting, and specialty landscape features which reflect the historic character of this district and help accentuate this ‘green’ and unique corridor. Stormwater management was also a priority for the project with featuring a series of decorative bio-filtration features at key locations along the corridor.
Awards: ASCE - Wisconsin Chapter, ACEC-WI, WisDOT Excellence in Highway
and Bridge Design, ASCE Engineering Achievement, WIASLA Award of Honor-General
Other Projects
Shorewood, WI
GRAEF Services
Landscape Architecture
Public Involvement
Village Branding
Traffice Engineering
Site/Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Transporation Engineering