Port Royal Canal

Port Royal Canal Dredging

GRAEF was responsible for managing all design, permitting, engineering and construction for the Port Royal Canal Dredging Project. This project included the excavation of 39,000 CY from seven distinct dredge areas with upland dewatering and disposal. Phase 1 dredging of approximately 20,000 CY commenced in late 2013 using mechanical excavation techniques by a barge mounted excavator with a series of two hopper barges used in rotation for the transfer of sediment to an upland site for dewatering.


Key Project Elements:

  • Project Design
  • Topographic and Bathymetric Surveys
  • Geotechnical Studies (Jet Probes and Vibracores)
  • Environmental Surveys & Sampling (Seagrass, Oyster Beds, Macro Invertebrate)
  • Water Quality Sampling and Analysis
  • Canal Dredge Design
  • Development of a Private Dock Dredge Program
  • Dewatering Site Design
  • Assessment of Polymer for Dewatering of Fine Sediments
  • Sediment Analysis and Development of a Sediment Management Plan
  • Construction Methods & Sequencing Plan
  • Dredge Pipeline Plan
  • Estimation of Quantities, Costs, & Construction Schedules
  • Assessment of Project Impacts (Environmental,
    Social and Economic)
  • Acquisition of all County, State and Federal Permits
  • Construction Plans and Specifications
  • Bidding Assistance
  • Construction Monitoring and Administration

Other Projects



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Coastal Engineering


Port Royal Canal Dredging Contact

Office Leader - Sarasota, Turks and Caicos